The staff of Eagles Eye View Cottages has “Safety First” in mind. A need for medical attention can arise at any time and we would like to ensure our guest that we are as prepared as we can be in the event of an emergency.
You will have access to a First Aid Kit, an Epi-Pen and an AED Machine. They are all securely kept in the upper Laundry building which is located next to the “Robin” cottage.
*Please check with staff upon arrival to be sure that you are familiar with the location of this building.
First Aid Kit
A well-stocked First Aid Kit is always accessible for you and is located in the upper Laundry building which is located next to the “Robin” cottage.
Epi Pen
This medication is used in emergencies to treat very serious allergic reactions to insect stings/bites, food, drugs or other substances.
An EPI-PEN is available if needed and is located in the upper Laundry room which is located next to the “Robin” cottage.
AED Machine
An AED Machine is a life saving device for a person suffering from CARDIAC ARREST.
Eagles Eye View Cottages has an AED Machine available in the upper Laundry building which is located next to the “Robin” cottage.